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What is direct mail?

Direct Mail is a very valuable way in which to keep in touch or create a new relationship with customers.  It is, quite simply, a marketing technique which involves the delivery of physical marketing materials, i.e. brochures, letters, postcards and merchandise which creates the opportunity to engage in a positive way with customers.

Sentio Marketing has been involved with direct mail projects over the years and we have been able to offer the full graphic design service as well as print, fulfilment and delivery.

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Direct mail

Direct mail is still as important now as it has always been and especially as there are so many email newsletters which go out at a regular pace causing inboxes to fill up at sometimes seems an alarming rate.

Sentio Marketing has produced many campaigns over the years working with Cision PR, TotalJobs, Stronghold Global and Aynhoe Park.  We have created concepts, design print and the complete postal delivery too.   Through our capable design team and supply team we can offer the full complement of direct mail processes.  

There is now an increase in DM marketing as email marketing is seen as too regular and can be also be more spam like than engaging.

Direct mail

Direct mail is the most popular form of a postal campaign.   Direct mail can be anything that is delivered from B2B and B2C. The data on a piece of direct mail can be very highly targeted down to the individual and their business.

This channel works great for both customer acquisition and current customer marketing, but, is perfect for customer reactivation. Direct mail boasts some of the highest conversion rates across all marketing channels including online.

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Partially Addressed Mail

Partially was introduced by Royal Mail in 2018 after the GDPR legislation became law to kick start the industry again. The data is still highly targeted like direct mail, but, because you only market to the household not the individuals that live there, data is cheaper than direct mail.

Partially addressed mail works best for large scale prospect mailings. Response. rates are not as high as direct mail but the cheaper rates and data may outweigh this. Partially addressed data is one of the cheapest forms of data you can purchase.

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Door Drops

Door drop campaigns are like direct mail with the exception that they are less targeted. Door drop data is primarily based on geolocation. Data can still be profiled but not individually targeted. For example, you target a specific street postcode or location.

This channel is best utilised as blanket marketing for advertising local events such as store openings, or for local councils who want to speak to their constituency.

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Questions we ask you for your campaigns?

  • What outcome do you want to achieve?
  • Is the campaign for website traffic?
  • Is the campaign for brand awareness?
  • Is the campaign for lead generation?
  • Is the campaign for sales generation? 

  • Do you have a budget and quantity in mind?
  • Is this campaign part of a larger marketing campaign?
  • Are you going to be carrying out A/B testing with this campaign?
  • Are you going to follow up with lead generation calling or further direct/digital campaigns?
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Direct main data

The two main factors
of any successful marketing campaign are data and your offer.

  • 40% of your efforts need to go on data
  • 40% of your effort needs to go into what your business offers
  • 20% is everything else from design to print and fulfilment

This is as relevant today as it was 20 years ago,

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Reporting and reviewing

Your campaign has been delivered and the responses are in. Now is the time to review your campaign in as much detail as possible.
This is important to do to accurately measure if your campaign was a success or not.

Now is the time to take what you have learnt and use that information to make the next campaign better. Never lose focus after running many different campaigns, attention to detail is always vital. Make sure you
are still A/B testing, cleaning your data and following every rule 10 campaigns on.

Success is measured differently if your goal was to drive traffic to your site compared to lead generation.
Let's take a look at the different methods of campaign reviews. We are going to take the four main goals of marketing.

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Need a quote for your direct mail project?

Please contact us to have a free, no-obligation proposal for
your next direct mail design and print project, however large
or small, the team at Sentio Marketing can help out.

Complete the form now and will be in touch very

shortly or call us on 07799346560